
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ripped in 30, day 25

So I haven't technically hit 30 days, but I'm officially done with this workout routine.  I have laughed, cried, and almost vomited AND IT WAS WORTH EVER SECOND!!  This has honestly been the best workout I have ever done.  Although I didn't lose any weight (as a matter of fact, I gained muscle weight) I'm really happy with the results.  I could have had even better results  if I would have been as strict as Jillian Michaels recommended.  For this program, she recommends working out 5-6 days a week.  I only did 4 days a week and this final week I only did 3 because of back pain.  She also gives you a great diet plan, which I didn't follow.  My diet is pretty good, but I know I would have been even more toned if I had followed through with Jillian's recommendations.  Overall, here's the most important parts to take home about this workout:

  • always stretch before you press play if you want  less muscle soreness - there were only a brief few minutes of dynamic stretching at the beginning of each workout which I just didn't feel was enough
  • if you're not at least somewhat in shape, this workout is probably not for you.  Jillian is known for being tough and she did not fail to bring the pain with this DVD.  I would categorize almost all of her moves and exercises as advanced.  Although this workout does show a "beginner" modification, most of the exercises will likely prove difficult if you're out of shape
  • if you're looking to shed those last few pesky pounds, this DVD is for you!
  • if you're looking for a quick shred, this DVD is for you!
Here it is,  before and after!  Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ripped in 30, day 24

Well, I should be sitting here drenched in sweat telling you how much I hate  love Jillian Michaels, but instead, I'm sitting here with an ice pack on my back.  I hurt my back several years ago working at a hospital and every once in awhile the ache just flares up.  With my makeup honeymoon only being 3 days away, I decided not to risk further injuring my back and likely ruining a trip to the beach!  Normally, I would suck it up and push through, but backs are no joke.  Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow because I would like to be able to finish week 4's workout.  Regardless of what happens, I feel like there's a noticeable difference in my muscles so I'm happy about that.  Stay tuned for my end of Ripped in 30 review!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Nice car...

Ok, I'm not a Bieber fan, but an all chrome Karma??  DAAAAMMMMNNNNN, dude has great taste in vehicles!!

Ripped in 30, day 23

Just wrapped up week 4, day 2 of Ripped in 30 and I feel GREAT!  Today was super stressful at work so it felt amazing to sweat out the anger.  I had zero soreness and the workout absolutely flew by.  I'm serious, it felt like the whole routine was over in 10 minutes.  Just because it flew by, doesn't mean it was easy though...I'm still drenched in sweat and all my muscles are exhausted!  I can't wait to finish this week up and hopefully see some results!  I'll be posting the after picture in just a few days :)

Monday, July 09, 2012

Ripped in 30, day 22

This was the first time that I've been able to make it to week 4 of Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30...  Remember all last week when I was saying week 3 was the hardest workout that I've ever done??  Well, week 3 was easy compared to week 4!  I had many emotions running through me during this routine, from being tired, to wanting to cry, to feeling like I was going to puke.  Each move is so advanced and required a lot of coordination, so I didn't make it through each set without stopping and trying to figure out where my feet were supposed to be.  Hopefully tomorrow will prove better.  Jillian Michaels did throw in some power yoga which my body very much appreciated.  Power yoga really works up a sweat, but isn't as high impact as all of her other exercises.  Now, I need to gather my strength so I can get ready to go to work...sigh...

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Marital Bliss...

I still can't watch this video without crying.  I love you Stephanie!!

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Ripped in 30, day 18

Alright, who told Jillian that I skipped my workout yesterday?! My glutes are angry at me and I don't think I've ever sweat this much in my life!  It took all of my energy to get through today's routine.  I'm not sure if it was because I was a slug yesterday, or if it's because my body is just tired. Ripped in 30 is no joke!  I'm excited that I only have one more day for week 3...but I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to week 4.  So far, Jillian Michaels has made each week progressively harder...I guess we'll see.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Ripped in 30, day 17

So....I didn't work out today.  It's a holiday and it feels like the weekend so I'm going to relax with Steph.  I'm all about results, but I'm also about listening to my body.  My body said to chill, so that's what I'm going to do!  No one tell Jillian please!!  Happy 4th of July everyone!!

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Ripped in 30, day 16

I'm not quite as sore as I've been so I hope that means I'm making progress.  Today's workout seemed to fly by so I'm happy with that.  This is still the hardest workout I've ever done.

Monday, July 02, 2012

Ripped in 30, day 15

Wow...week 3, day 1 was hands down the hardest workout I've ever done in my life!  I'm not kidding!  In the first 10 minutes, my legs were literally quivering.   Just as I sit here typing this, my whole body is trembling, but damn does it feel good!!  My advice seems to always be the same:  STRETCH before hand.  Jillian's warm up and dynamic stretch period in the very beginning of this series is even a workout!  No wimps here!
That face - that's the look of pure exhaustion!  God I love you Jillian Michaels!!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Ripped in 30, day 12

YES!!!  I'm finally done with week 2 of Ripped in 30 which means I'm HALF WAY DONE with the  work out!  This also means that I'm only 2 weeks away from our make up honeymoon!  If you remember, I started this whole program so that I would look better in a bathing suit ;)  I can see and feel muscle definition already coming through so I'm so excited to see what the next 2 weeks bring!

DAY 12

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ripped in 30, day 11

Just wrapped up day 4 of week 2 and I actually ENJOYED today's workout.  I find that if I wake up dreading it, or come home from work saying, "man I don't want to do this" the workout is much harder.  If I come into it with a good attitude, actually tell myself, "let's relieve some stress today!" then I have a good time.  I wouldn't say it was easier today per se, because I mean come on, it IS Jillian Michaels and she isn't known for easy routines, but it was not as strenuous, yet strenuous enough to kick my ass. Make sense??

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ripped in 30, day 10

Ahhhhhhh, day 3 of week 2:  CHECK!  Today, the workout kicked my quads' ass!  Monday my quads hurt, then Tuesday it was my arms, and now back to my least my muscle groups are taking turns.  My advice for fellow week 2ers, STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH!!  As I said in day 1, Jillian does give you a few minutes of dynamic stretching (stretches that warm up your muscles by being active), but my muscles wanted way more time.  So I listened to them and it has helped tremendously in minimizing soreness the next day.  I'm feeling strong as hell today so I MAY work in the yard :)

Notice Stanley and Albert in the background not giving a shit....

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The joys of a freshly mowed lawn


Ripped in 30, day 9

Wow, yesterday this workout tried my quads, and today, I feel it mostly in my arms and shoulders...go figure.  Feeling good today because day 2 of week 2 is DONE!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Ripped in 30 Week, day 8

Just when my soreness was completely gone, Jillian Michaels comes at me HARD!  I did week 2, day 1 and if I'm going to be honest, this workout was grueling.  I feel parts of my quads that I didn't even know I had!!  This is just what I needed because my legs need the most work.  I'm anxious to see how I'm walking tomorrow...

Just for a laugh

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Organizing, kitchen style

Steph decided it was time to organize the pantry.  I was absolutely DE-LIGH-TED that she caught this cleaning bug because it was an absolute mess in there.  It was like every time we went grocery shopping, we would just put items on whatever shelf had free space and over time, it became a disaster zone.  You couldn't find what you needed, inevitably things began falling off the shelf as soon as you opened the door, and we bought so many items that we already had because they were shoved so far in the back that we couldn't find them!  I wish I had a before picture, but here's the finished product.  I feel at ease when I open this door now.  Ahhhhh....lovely.
Since I'm trying to watch my diet, I find that having a bowl of fresh fruit available on the counter encourages me to snack healthy.  Lets face it, most of us are lazy and will grab whatever is in reach when we're hungry.  This makes it easy to stick to your diet AND get your needed fruit! We found this bowl at Target and I'm really excited about it!  It keeps my bananas from getting bumped around and bruised from the apples!
It's the simple things really :)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ripped in 30, day 5

I woke up Friday morning with a killer backache, so I decided to take the day off from working out.  I try to listen to my body and not "push through the pain" like some workouts recommend.  Today was day 5 and I'm excited that I made it through the first week of Ripped in 30.   But then again, I'm not, because it means bright and early Monday morning I'm going to have to start week 2 which is harder!  I do think it's worth sweating and being pissed off for 35 minutes a day to have a better body.

Ripped in 30 does offer a 30 day meal/diet plan, which I'm sure would give me faster results, but I'm going to just watch what I eat.  My regular diet isn't that bad so I think I'll be ok.  Proof:  we went to Montgomery Inn last night to celebrate a friends birthday and I had a chicken spinach salad with dressing on the side and water :)

Is that a baby bicep I see trying to peek through??

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ripped in 30, day 4

My muscles were the most fatigued that they've ever been today.  I'm not sure if it's because I've been pushing them for 3+ days, or if it's because I worked out a 5:30am instead of my usual 5:00pm.  Regardless, now that I'm done, I feel stupendous.  It's a great feeling knowing that after work, my evening will be free!  Plus, working out in the morning on an empty stomach leads to faster calorie burning.  When you don't have food in your stomach, your body has to pull from your fat reserves for fuel.  I'll take it!  Have a good day everyone!